Evolution Of A Nursery

The nursery has changed a bit in the past few months. There is more to look at, to play with and this winter I am hoping a whole lot more time spent in here. This room can be a total bomb too and it doesnt bother me one bit!

 Stella is still co sleeping but her little bed is ready when ever she is...
 Hand embroidered pillows and crocheted blankets from great grandmothers.

 Lots and lots of books to read...
We are linking up for What I Love Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday and FTLOB.
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  1. Oh my, the room is beautiful!
    I can see all the love and hard work you put on them!
    Love those embroidered pillows, my grandma use to made them all the time.

    Happy wednesday!

  2. Very cute! I would have to say my favorite is the curtains instead of closet door.

  3. What a sleep little room. Pretty soon I'm going to have to start looking into a toddler bed for my little one.

  4. Aww, this is so beautiful, I love it!

  5. That is a beautiful room! I love the bookshelves over the bed.

  6. love the nursery! and all the books!!



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