Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

I've been thinking, feeling and doing a lot these past few days, weeks. It just hasn't been here, on the internet and on this blog. I have wanted to write a post and share a few things. It just hasn't happened. I guess you could say I've disconnected a bit. J and S keep me busy in a good way. My Mr.'s attentions more appealing in the evening. Sitting down to the computer not so much. My garden has doubled in size and has me excited for what's to come as the days get longer and hotter. Maybe it's the time of year that has me away from the indoors and my computer, and I'm not complaining.  Today we are in the yard as usual. All three meals will probably be eaten out here. In fact I'm typing this from a blanket in the grass. Watching my naked babes munch on wedges of sandia, there little bodies still wet from the pool. I'm thinking of my family and friends hundreds of miles away. The green lush of my parents yard and a new baby girl that fell asleep in my arms. I'm watching my babies grow into children more independent and expressive. My sweet girls curls lighten in the sun making her dark eyes seem even darker. My loving boy tells me stories and I listen, truly intrigued by his creativity and innocence. I'm looking forward to more walks with my Mr. and to making new friends in new places. To learning and creating, to watching my children grow and to loving and celebrating this little family of ours.
photo by Lindsay Maria Smith
Linking to Just Write

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