As always I am loving the change in season especially this time of year, Fall. The leaves have finally started to turn in color and fall. The air is cold and breezy and I think I smelled a
chimney going today too! Apple, pears, pumpkin and squash are at the market and baking is on the brain. Funny how that happens!! Joaquin is loving the changes outside. These past few mornings in the park he is bundled with a knit hat and gloves and he
doesn't seem to mind them. He wiggles his toes and plays with the bright orange leaves.

My husband blew all the leaves in the backyard into a nice pile the other day and I
could not resist plopping Joaquin down in the middle and taking some photos. He loved it. Picking up the leaves one at a time and turning it in his hand. He is so precise and interested in small details it amazes me. He is so busy these days it
doesn't seem like I have time for much else. We play a lot. When we are not playing we are eating or sleeping or bathing and even then...we make it a game. He is down to one nap a day now and still wakes once during the night to nurse. I have a feeling by the time spring rolls around my baby will be walking, ..or running! Happy Halloween everyone!

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