Joaquin is a warm little guy in comfortable weather so with the temperatures reaching 100+ in our area we decided to spend a day by the pool. When he was first born I would dress him, put mittens, socks and a beanie on him and lastly swaddle him in a cozy blanket. That is how you typically see a newborn right! Anyway from the very beginning he was warm and uncomfortable in all that stuff, even in February! So it is daunting to keep him cool and shaded with the roasting weather. He loves the water which is apparent during his bath in the evening, so naturally he loves the pool too. He is now fully equiped with swim diapers, swim trunks, a large brimmed hat, sunglasses, a floaty
and SPF 50+. We wheeled the large umbrella over next to the shallow end of the pool and dipped his feet, legs and belly in the water. He kicked his feet and tried to grap at the water. He is happiest when after a quick dip we lay him out on a towel in the shade where he can wiggle around and enjoy the breeze on his wet body. I imagine many trips to the ocean and lakes as he gets older. We are a family of swimmers. My Grandfather was an ocean swimmer for the Marines and many of us scuba and snorkel, lifeguards, waterpolo players and swim team members. He is a born water baby. His hat was a wonderous find at the Green Baby Expo last weekend. It blocks over 80 percent of harmful UV rays!

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